Our Technical Team

Miryana McKay

Senior Agronomist

Miryana McKay started her career as a radio DJ and TV presenter in a cable television in Bulgaria in 1999 and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree (Hons) from the University of National and World Economy in Sofia, Bulgaria in Agriculture and Economics in 2005. While finishing her degree she worked with the Angus Soft Fruits’ breeding programme as well as monitoring and assessing of various R&D projects. Her keen interest has always been pest and disease monitoring and IPM with a focus on researching different biological and cultural management methods to reduce the need for pesticide application.

In 2004 Miryana joined Angus Soft Fruits as a trainee agronomist and in 2005 and 2007 respectively she gained her BASIS and FACTS (horticulture) qualifications and is now a full member of the BASIS Professional Register.

A senior agronomist at Angus Growers,  Miryana is now providing advice to growers on crop protection and nutrition, sourcing and procurement of plants; preparation of crop budgets as well as forecasting and planning of cropping profiles.


Alix Stewart


Alix joined the company in 2016 after graduating from SRUC Craibstone with a BSc in Agriculture. She started off working for both the technical and agronomy team before joining the agronomy team full time at the start of the 2017 season. She has recently passed her BASIS (horticulture) exams and is now on the BASIS professional register. She is looking forward to developing her knowledge and career throughout the company. Her role includes crop walking, crop management and helping the growers control pest and disease through an IPM process.

Amongst her day job as an agronomist, Alix also manages the Angus Soft Fruits trial site at East Seaton, Arbroath which includes putting together yield data and benchmarking the potential new varieties against current supermarket favourites in which the feedback will then be passed on to the R&D team. As well as this, Alix also keeps a close eye on the pest and disease levels and manages the trial site team.

When not out in the fields, Alix enjoys spending time with the friends and family (not forgetting the family dog, a chocolate lab called Marley). She is a keen show-goer in the summer, loves a holiday abroad in the sun and enjoys a gin and tonic!